Australians are all too familiar with asbestos. It’s that nasty carcinogen that wreaks havoc on homes and poses a threat to our health. Unfortunately, many homes and businesses built before the late-1980s contain the nasty material. When this is the case it is imperative that you enlist the experts to come and provide a safe removal service.
It is even more unfortunate when individuals think they can remove it the DIY route – this is simply not the case. You can’t just throw on some PPE from the local hardware store and start pulling at asbestos – it doesn’t work that way. This is an incredibly dangerous mineral that doesn’t discriminate when it comes to causing health problems for those who come into contact with it.
You should never run the risk of DIY disposal and here are three poignant reasons why:
- It’s a dangerous job that requires proper training
We’re not trying to be cheeky, but this is a dangerous job that requires special skills and experience. When it comes to asbestos Perth, there are many ways in which things could go immediately wrong. Mistakes can easily be made during DIY disposal and that’s because the individual likely didn’t have the skills, training, experience or equipment to do job safety.
And, when you consider that you need each of those four imperatives to do the job safely, this should be reason enough to avoid putting your health at risk to avoid forking out for safe removal!
- You don’t have the technology for the job
Once again, this isn’t something that a bit of PPE and an unused COVID mask can cover. This is a complex service that handles an incredibly hazardous material – your experts have the equipment and technology to ensure it is done safely and efficiently. They have the technology to test, remove and adequately dispose of asbestos once it has been found at a property.
Conversely, any attempts to individually dispose of the mineral are incredibly reckless and could cause health problems for individuals who come into contact with it. This is not something that can be poorly disposed of – it requires special skill and consideration to do safely.
- The pros know the horror stories
Each home and business has its own specific risks when disposing of the mineral. Therefore, each job must be handled with a unique approach, carefully considering the property and what must be done to ensure adequate removal. They have the experience to ensure that a unique approach will be taken to removing the mineral from the property without an enhanced risk of air contamination.
What’s more, they have seen and heard all the horror stories of people attempting the job alone. This is, unfortunately, something people in the past have thought they could handle alone. And this, naturally, puts the health of those individuals at risk. The experts have been in the industry for many years and know just what kind of threat it poses to an individual’s health.
Instead, they will come out to your property, inspect asbestos levels, devise a thorough action plan and go to work on safely ridding your property of this toxic mineral. This is not a job in which you can compromise on cost – this is a job that must be properly considered to ensure safe removal.
So, if you’ve been considering going the DIY way, don’t do it – it’s really not worth the risk to your health!